
Prize Patrol

The Education Foundation made a visit to the campuses this month delivering good news to teachers and staff whose grant applications were honored. We are very thankful for our teachers and staff and the hard work they put in everyday to make a difference in the lives of our students.

New Teacher Vouchers
New teachers can walk into a classroom that contains only the essentials: desk, pencils, and paper. This doesn't create the engaging environment a teacher hopes for. The AGISD Education Foundation provides additional funding for teachers to set-up their new classrooms with grants of $50 - $100. Teachers new to the district and teachers new to teaching are both offered one-time endowments to help them with start-up costs for their classrooms.

Mini Grants
Small grants up to $500 for teachers to capture opportunities that can't be anticipated. Grants are reviewed on an ongoing basis. These grants exist to fill immediate learning needs.

Opportunity and Strategy Grants
Mid-size ($1000 and up) to large grants ($5000 and up) for teachers and staff to implement innovative solutions for recurring needs in their classrooms or campus by strategically securing funding for the following school year.

Critical Needs Grants
Each year the Education Foundation sets asides funds to help students who are financially in need, like help with purchasing school supplies, eyeglasses, or other needs critical to their success at school. Our school personnel are encouraged to contact us to help with these needs on a case-by-case basis.

Helping Hands
This grant is funded by the teachers and staff at AGISD through personal donations to the Foundation. All money that goes into this fund will be specified for the teachers and staff to help each other in times of need or crisis. When an AGISD employee is experiencing financial constraints due to unforeseen circumstances, the proverbial hat has already been passed by their peers. People helping people. That’s what it’s all about.

Grant Recipient Responsibilities
•Use the awards only for the purposes intended.
•Funds must be expended by the end of the school year intended for the project.
•Recipients agree to share successful procedures with the district and the Foundation.​
•Grants are to be used to fund projects that are not provided for in the school and district budgets or obtainable through other means.
•Objectives and outcomes should be consistent with the goals of your school and the district.

Bound for Success
Each individual who is recognized at the monthly School Board meeting as STUDENT OF THE MONTH will receive a $25 gift card, courtesy of the AGISD Education Foundation. We want to offer monetary incentives for our students to go above and beyond in their academic excellence.