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Support Us



You can make a profound difference supporting excellence in teaching and learning in our community by investing in the Alba-Golden ISD Education Foundation. Donations of any amount will help us achieve our goals.  Even as little as $5 a month can make a difference for our school.  Any amount you can give is greatly appreciated!


You can donate one time, or set up recurring payments either annually, quarterly, or monthly, 

Sponsorship Levels: 

  • $99 or less - FRIENDS of AGISDEF

  • $100 - (BRONZE) 

  • $250 - (SILVER) 

  • $500 - (GOLD) 

  • $1,000 - (PLATINUM) 

  • $2,500 - (DIAMOND) 

  • $5,000 - (SAPPHIRE) 

  • $10,000 - (EMERALD)

  • $25,000+ - (RUBY)


To pay by check: 
Alba-Golden Education Foundation

Alba, Texas TX 75410

Show Your Support

Be an example to the  community that we are:


"Coming Together for Education" 


For a single donation of $25 or more, you can wear your support of the AGISD Education Foundation in style!

Get one of our new comfort color t-shirts in red or blue and wear it in support of our mission and goals at AGISDEF.

Let us know in the comments your size and color preference on a t-shirt and we'll get it to you right away!

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT with a $50 or more donation and get your vinyl yard sign with PROUD SUPPORTER or I DONATED on the front.  Both designs have our motto on the back. We'll even drop it off for you!! 



These are double-sided signs with our motto on the back. Let us know in the comments section which sign you prefer.  Supplies limited so get yours today!! Stand included.

Become an AGISDEF supporter and be PANTHER PROUD!!

For a single donation of $10 or more, get your 4" window decal for your car or business. Show the community that you are a PROUD SUPPORTER of the AGISD Education Foundation. These will be mailed to you immediately after your donation is received.  Please let us know in the comment section if you want the COMING TOGETHER sticker or PROUD SUPPORTER. We reserve the right to substitute as needed if supplies are not in stock.




The Alba-Golden Education Foundation strives to enhance excellence in education each and every day for over 850 students in the Alba-Golden Community.


Our programming and district support costs around $7000 per student each year. Many needs are not met with state and federal funding, and students lose important educational opportunities due to lowered funding for many reasons. Public schools are funded by state, local, and federal governments. This funding is reliant on income and property taxes, which poses a threat to poorer areas of the country and causes funding disparities. Because the funding provided comes from income and property taxes, the wealthier and larger districts are able to collect more for funding and offer more programs and opportunities for kids in their districts in comparison with the smaller districts like Alba-Golden. Teachers are largely affected in smaller school districts due to pay disparity and having to spend money out of pocket for things they need for the classroom. 


Simply put, this is where the Foundation comes in to help.  With the donations you provide, and the grants we’re able to give back to the teachers with those donations, it will help us support the school district in areas that are not currently being provided by our current budget restraints.   In turn, that will help both the students and teachers to have a better learning experience and more opportunities for growth in our district.


If you are interested in donating to the Education Foundation as an Endowment or have any other questions, please contact us at 903.216.2078 or email

Planned Giving


We want to thank you, our donors, for your support in making a difference in the lives of our children each and every day.


While you may be a regular contributor to the Education Foundation, we want to introduce you to other ways to provide financial support to the students of the Alba-Golden Independent School District. Regardless of your age or the size of your estate, developing a planned gift with the Education Foundation is a win-win for our donors and our students and allows you to assist Alba-Golden ISD students for many years to come.

Please consult with a knowledgeable and trusted financial adviser and your family prior to making any financial decision.


Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Do you want to benefit from the tax savings that result from supporting the Alba-Golden ISD Education Foundation, but you don’t want to give up your assets that you’d like your family to receive someday? You can have it both ways with a charitable lead trust. A charitable lead annuity trust pays a fixed amount each year to the Alba-Golden ISD Education Foundation and is more attractive when interest rates are low. A charitable lead unitrust pays a variable amount each year based on the value of the assets in the trust. With a unitrust, if the trust’s assets increase in value, the payments to the Education Foundation also increase.


Charitable Remainder Trust

A Charitable Remainder Trust is also known as a CRT, is an irrevocable trust allowing the donors to convert highly appreciated assets into a lifetime income stream for them, their spouse, or another family member, without generating estate and capital gains taxes. The law stipulates the payout must be at least 5% of the value of the underlying trust assets, and the payout is usually in the 5-7% range, depending on the ages of the income recipients. When the trust ends, the remaining assets pass to the Alba-Golden ISD Education Foundation to support the programs specified by the donor.


Appreciated Property

If you are interested in giving an immediate gift to the Alba-Golden ISD Education Foundation, there are options available besides a cash gift. If you have appreciated assets, such as securities or real estate, you can give those and receive an income tax deduction for the fair market value. You will avoid paying any capital gains tax and the Foundation will not pay any capital gains tax.


Life Insurance

Life insurance policies are a common tool used in planning for the future. Designating the Alba-Golden ISD Education Foundation as a beneficiary under a life insurance policy is a great way to reduce your estate tax liability and make a meaningful gift.   Texas allows a charity to own a donor’s life insurance policy. You can make a gift of an existing policy to the Alba-Golden ISD Education Foundation or purchase a new policy with the Education Foundation as the owner and receive a current charitable deduction.


Retirement Plans

Simply name the Alba-Golden ISD Education Foundation as a beneficiary to your 401(k), IRA, other retirement accounts. You avoid both income and estate tax on the remainder of your retirement accounts.



A bequest to the Alba-Golden ISD Education Foundation will pass with the remainder of your estate. This planned gift has no effect on your current financial picture. If you find your circumstances change and a bequest to the Education Foundation is no longer in your best interest, then you simply change or remove the bequest in your will at any time. You maintain title and control over all your assets during your lifetime.


To speak to one of our Board Members regarding planned giving, please call 903.216.2078 or email for more information.


We appreciate you Coming Together for Education.

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